Monday, January 13, 2014

Letter to all Christians from Prophet Muhammad

How should Muslims treat Christians?  With violence? Anger? Hatred?  The answer is none of the above.  Below is the English rendering of a letter written by the ProphetMuhammad (sa) to all Christians.
In a time when tensions between Islam and Christianityseem to be at an all time high, we remind our Christian friends that a true Muslim cannot hurt a Christian in any way, neither by his hand, nor by his tongue.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Marriage: It Isn’t about Rainbows and Butterflies

Most of us girls have dreamt of the big day; we have all imagined ourselves as brides, dressed in a fluffy white dress, surrounded by flowers, and having our cheeks burning red from the hundreds of eyes following our steps.
YES! It’s the wedding day. Watching Disney movies when we were younger, most of us happily sobbed at how the prince and princess overcame all the hardships and evils, to be with one another on the lifelong journey of marriage.