Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammadin wa
O Allah, bless Muhammad and Aal-i-Muhammad.
Wasma' du'aa'i idhaa da'awtuk.
wasma' nidaa'i idhaa naadaytuk. Waqbil 'alayya idhaa naajaytuk
Hear my prayer when I pray to You.
Listen to my call when I call to You.
Turn towards me when I whisper to You.
Faqad harabtu ilayka wa waqaftu
bayna yadayk. Mustakeenan lak, mutadharri'an ilayk, raajiyan limaa ladayka
thawaabi, wa ta'lamu maa fi nafsi, wa takhburu haajati
For I have fled towards You and am standing between Your hands. I am desperate before You and humiliated,
hoping for the reward which You have.
You know what is in my soul, and You know what I need.
Wa ta'rifu dhameeri, wa laa yakhfaa
'alayka amru munqalabi wa mathwai, wa maa ureedu an ubdi'a bihi min mantiqi, wa
atafawwaha bihi min talibati, wa arjoohu li-'aaqibati.
You know my mind, and nothing of my present or future is hidden from
you. You know how I intend to begin my
speech, what I am going to ask for and what I hope for in the end.
Wa qad jarat maqaadeeruka 'alayya
yaa sayyidi fimaa yakunu minni ilaa aakhiri 'umri min sareerati wa'alaaniyati,
wa biyadika laa biyadi ghayrika ziyaadati wa naqsi, wa naf'i wa dharri.
Your decree has taken effect in my life, O My Master, and will continue to
do so until the end of my life – both in what is apparent and hidden. My happiness and misery rest in Your hands,
not in anyone else’s.
Ilaahi, in harramtani faman dhaa
alladhiy yarzuquni? Wa in khadhaltani, fa man dhaa alladhiy yansuruni?
O Lord, if You deny me, then who will provide for me? If You forsake me, then who will help me?
Ilaahi a'udhu bika min ghadhabika wa
hulooli sakhatik . Ilaahi in kuntu ghayr
musta'hilin lirahmati, fa anta ahlun an tajooda 'alayya bi-fadhli sa'atik.
O Lord, I seek refuge in You from Your wrath and the descent of Your
anger. O Lord, if I am not worthy of
Your mercy, it is worthy of You to grace me with Your overwhelming kindness.
Ilaahi, ka-anny binafsy waaqifatun
bayna yadayk, waqad azhallahaa husnu tawakkuli 'alayk. faqulta maa anta ahluhu
wa taghammadtani bi-'afwik.
O Lord, it is as if I am standing before You, and my confidence that You
will protect me has shaded me. You have
said what befits You and sheltered me with Your pardon.
Ilaahi, in 'afawta fa-man awlaa
minka bi-dhaalik? Wa in kaana qad danaa ajali wa lam yudneeni minka 'amali
faqad ja'altu-l-iqraara bi-dh-dhanbi ilayka waseelati.
O Lord, if You forgive me, who is more worthy to do that than You? If my time has come, and my deeds have not
yet brought me close to You, I make this confession of my sins a means of
approaching You.
Ilaahi qad jurtu 'alaa nafsi fi-n-nazhari
lahaa, falahaa-l-wailu in lam taghfir lahaa.
O Lord, I have been unjust to my soul, for I have not looked after
it. It will certainly be doomed if You
do not forgive it.
Ilaahi lam yazal birruka 'alaa
ayyaami hayaati, falaa taqta' birraka 'anni fi mamaati.
O Lord, you have never ceased Your kindness towards me during my
life. So do not cut off Your kindness
from me after I die.
Ilaahi, kayfa aayasu min husni
nazharika li ba'da mamaati, wa anta lam toolini illa-l-jamkeela fi hayaati
O Lord, how can I despair of Your looking after me after my death when you
have always treated me with goodness during my life?
Ilaahi, tawalla min amri maa anta
ahluhu, wa 'ud 'alayya bi-fadhlika 'alaa mudhnibin qad ghamarahu jahluhu.
O Lord, do with me what befits You, and bestow Your favor upon me – a
sinner enwrapped in ignorance.
Ilaahi qad satarta 'alayya dhunooban
fi-d-dunyaa, wa ana ahwaju ilaa satrihaa 'alayya minka fil-ukhraa. Ilaahi qad
ahsanta ilayya ith lam tuzh-hirhaa li-ahadin min 'ibaadika-s-saaliheen, falaa
tafdhahni yawm al-qiyaamati 'alaa ru'oos-il-ash-haad.
O Lord, You have concealed many of my sins in this world. I am in greater need of them being concealed
in the next. O Lord, you favored me when
you hid my sins from Your pious servants.
So do not expose them to the onlookers on the Day of Resurrection.
Ilaahi, jooduka basata amali, wa
'afwuka afdhalu min 'amali. Ilaahi, fasurrani bi-liqaa'ika yawma taqdhi feehi
bayna 'ibaadik
O Lord, Your generosity has increased my hope. Your forgiveness is kinder than my
deeds. So delight me by allowing me to
meet You on the day when You judge between Your servants.
Ilaahi, i'tidhaari ilayka i'tidhaaru
man lam yastaghni 'an qabooli 'udhrihi, faqbal 'udhri yaa akrama man i'tadhara
My Lord, I am apologizing to you as one who cannot afford his apology
being rejected. So accept my excuse, O
Most Generous of those whom the sinners offer their excuses to.
Ilaahi, laa tarudda haajati, wa laa
tukhayyib tama'i, wa laa taqta' minka rajaa'i wa amali.
O Lord, do not turn down my request.
Do not disappoint me in my desires.
Do not cut off my hope in You.
Ilaahi, law aradta hawaani lam
tahdini, wa law aradta fadheehati lam tu'aafini.
O Lord, if You had wanted to disgrace me, You would never have guided
me. If You had wanted to expose me, You
would not have protected me.
Ilaahi, ma azhunnuka tarudduni fi
haajatin qad afnaytu 'umri fi talabihaa mink.
O Lord, I do not think You will refuse me in this request which I have
spent my life pleading for.
Ilaahi, fa-laka al-hamdu abadan daa'iman sarmadan,
yazeedu wa laa yabeed, kamaa tuhibbu wa tardhaa.
O Lord, all praise be to You – everlasting and eternal – increasing and
never decreasing – as You wish and please.
Ilaahi, in akhadhtani bi-jurmi,
akhadhtuka bi-'afwik, wa in akkhadhtani bi dhunoobi, akhadhtuka bi-maghfiratik,
wa in adkkhaltani-n-naara a'lamtu ahlahaa anni uhibbuk.
O Lord, if you take me to account for my crimes, I will cling to Your
pardon. If you take me to account for my
sins, I will cling to Your forgiveness.
If You throw me into the Fire, I will let its inhabitants know that I
love You.

Ilaahi, in kaana saghura fee janbi
taa'atika 'amali, faqad kabura fee janbi rajaa'ika amali
O Lord, if my deeds in obedience to You are few, my hope in what to expect
from You is great.

Ilaahi, kayfa anqalibu min 'indika
bil-khaybati mahrooma, wa qad kaana husnu zhanni bijoodika an taqlibani
bi-n-najaati marhooma
O Lord, how can I leave you deprived and disappointed when I have always hoped
you would save and deliver me?

Ilaahi wa qad afnaytu 'umri fee
sharratis-sahwi 'ank, wa ablaytu shabaabi fi sakrati-t-tabaa'udi mink
O Lord, I have wasted my life in the crime of forgetting You and wreaked
havoc on my youth in the intoxication of distancing myself from You.

Ilaahi fa-lam astayqizh ayyama
ightiraari bik, wa rukooni ilaa sabeeli-sakhatik
O Lord, I did not wake up when I was deluded about You and inclined to
earn Your displeasure.

Ilaahi wa ana 'abduka wa-ibnu
'abdik, qaa'imun bayna yadayk, mutawassilun bi-karamika ilayk
O Lord, I am Your slave and the child of Your slave. I am standing before You, seeking
intercession with You through Your kindness.

Ilaahi ana 'abdun atanassalu ilayka
mimmaa kuntu uwaajihuka bihi min qillati istihyaa'i min nazharik, wa
atlubu-l-'afwa minka idh-il-'afwu na'atun li-karamik
O Lord, I am Your servant. I am
renouncing the sins I used to commit before You when I was unashamed of Your
presence. I seek forgiveness from You,
for forgiveness characterizes Your generosity.

Ilaahi lam yakun li hawlun
fa-antaqila bihi 'an ma'siyatik, illa fi waqtin ayqazhtani li-mahabbatik. wa
kamaa aradta an akoona kuntu fa-shakartuka bi-idkhaali fi karamik, wa
li-tatheeri qalbi min awsaakhi-l-ghaflati 'ank.
O Lord, I did not have the strength to stop disobeying You until You
awakened me to Your love. Then, I became
just as You wanted me to be, and I thanked You for drawing me into Your
generosity and purifying my heart of forgetfulness of You.

Ilaahi, unzhur ilayya nazara man
naadaytahu fa-ajaabak, wasta'maltahu bi-ma'oonatika fa-ataa'ak. Yaa qareeban
laa yab'udu 'an al-mughtarri bih, wa yaa jawaadan laa yabkhalu 'amman rajaa thawaabah
O Lord, look at me as the one who has responded to Your call, the one You
asked to serve You and who obeyed. O
Near One who is never far from those who think they are far from Him. O Generous One who never withholds His favors
from those who have hope in His reward.

Ilaahi, hab li qalban yudneehi minka
shawquhu, wa lisaanan yurfa'u ilayka sidquhu, wa nazharan yuqarribuhu minka
O Lord, grant me a heart whose passion will bring it close to You. Grant me speech whose truth will be raised to
You. Grant me vision whose truth will
bring it nearer to You.

Ilaahi, inna man ta'arrafa bika
ghayru majhool, wa man laadha bika ghayru makhdhool, wa man aqbalta 'alayhi
ghayru mamlook
O Lord, whoever acquaints himself from You is never unknown. Whoever takes shelter with You is never
betrayed. Whoever You turn towards is
never enslaved.

Ilaahi inna man intahaja bika
la-mustaneer, wa inna man i'tasama bika la-mustajeer
O Lord, whoever follows Your path is enlightened, and whoever holds to You
is saved.

Wa qad ludhtu bika yaa ilaahi falaa
tukhayyib zhanni min rahmatika wa laa tahjubni 'an ra'fatik
And I have taken refuge in You, O Lord, so do not disappoint my hopes in
Your mercy, and do not deprive me of Your kindness.

Ilaahi aqimni fee ahli wilaayatika
maqaama man rajaa-z-ziyaadata min mahabbatik
O Lord, place me among Your friends as one who hopes to love You more.

Ilaahi walhimni walahan bi-dhikrika
ilaa dhikrik, wa himmati fee rawhi najaahi asmaa'ik, wa mahalli qudsik
O Lord, inspire me passionately to remember Your remembrance and to
concern myself with Your holy name and pure position and deliverance.

Ilaahi, bika 'alayka illa alhaqtani
bi-mahalli ahli taa'atik wal-mathwaa-s-saalihi min mardhaatik, fa-inni laa
aqdiru li-nafsi daf'an, wa laa amliku lahaa naf'an
O Lord, if You admit me to the place reserved for those who obey You and
the nice abode of those whom You are pleased with, that will be from You: I can neither defend nor aid my soul alone.

Ilaahi ana 'abduka-dh-dhaeef
al-mudhnib wa mamlookukal-muneeb, falaa taj'alni mimman sarafta 'anu wajhaka wa
hajabahu sahwuhu 'an 'afwik
O Lord, I am Your powerless, sinning slave and repentant servant. So do not place me among those whom You have
turned Your face away from, whose negligence has separated them from Your

Ilaahi hab li kamaal-al-inqitaa'i
ilayka wanir absaara quloobina bi-dhiyaa'i nazharihaa ilayka hatta takhriqa
absaarul-quloobi hujub-an-noori fa-tasila ilaa ma'din-il-'azhamati wa taseera
arwaahunaa mu'allaqatan bi-'izzi qudsik
O Lord, grant me complete severance from everything except You. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts with the
brilliance of gazing at You until the eyes of our hearts penetrate the veils of
light and arrive at source of grandeur and our souls cling to the glory of Your

Ilaahi waj'alni mimman naadaytahu
wa-ajaabak, walaahazhtahu fa-sa'iqa li-jalaalik, fa-naajaytahu sirran wa 'amila
laka jahran
O Lord, make me one of those whom You call, and they respond. You look at them, and they are awed by Your
majesty. You speak to them in secret,
and they work for You openly.

Ilaahi lam usallit 'alaa husni
zhanni qunoot-al-ayaas, wa laa inqata'a rajaa'i min jameeli karamik
O Lord, I have not allowed despair to overcome by confidence in You, nor
did I ever lose hope in Your beautiful generosity

Ilaahi, in kaanat-il-khataayaa qad
asqatni ladayk, fasfah 'anni bi-husni tawakkuli 'alayka
O Lord, if my mistakes have degraded me before You, erase them through my
confident reliance upon You.

Ilaahi, in hattatni-dh-dhunoobu min
makaarimi lutfik, faqad nabbahani-l-yaqeenu ilaa karami 'atfik
O Lord, if my sins have rendered me unfit to receive Your kindness, my
firm belief has reminded me of Your compassion.

Ilaahi in anaamatni al-ghaflatu
'an-il-isti'daadi li-liqaa'ik, faqad nabbahatni-l-ma'rifatu bi-karami-alaa'ik
O Lord, if forgetting to prepare for meeting You has put me to sleep,
recognizing Your kind bounties has awakened me.

Ilaahi, in da'aani ilaa-n-naari 'azheemu
'iqaabik, faqad da'aani ilaal-jannatu jazeelu thawaabik
My Lord, if the severity of Your punishment calls me to Hell, the
abundance of Your reward invites me to Paradise.

Ilaahi, fa-laka as'alu wa ilayka abtahilu wa arghab, fa-as'aluka an tusalli 'alaa Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad, wa an taj'alani mimman yudeemu dhikraka wa laa yanqudhu 'ahdaka wa laa yaghfulu 'an shukrika wa laa yastakhiffu bi-amrik
O Lord, You are the One I ask from and pray to and desire. So I ask You to bless Muhammad and Aal-i-Muhammad and to make me one of
those who always remembers You and never violates his pledge with You, who
never forgets to be grateful to You and does not make light of Your command.

Ilaahi, walhiqni binoori
'izzika-l-abhaj, fa-akoona laka 'aarifan, wa 'an siwaaka munharifan, wa minka
khaa'ifan muraaqiban. yaa dhaal-jalaali wal-ikraam
O Lord, attach me to the light of Your majestic glory so I may know You
and fear You alone. O possessor of glory
and generosity!

Wa sallallahu 'alaa muhammadin wa
rasoolihi wa aalihi-t-taahireen, wa salaama tasleeman katheeran.
May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon Muhammad and his
pure descendants.